1. V-T When someone such as a priest blesses people or things, he or she asks for God's favour and protection for them. 祈求上帝祝福
...asking for all present to bless this couple and their loving commitment to one another. …請所有在場的人祈求上帝祝福這對夫婦及其對彼此愛的承諾。
2. CONVENTION Bless is used in expressions such as "God bless" or "bless you" to express affection, thanks, or good wishes. 用於(God bless),(bless you##bless)等短句中,以表達友愛、謝意或祝福[非正式,口語]
"Bless you, Eva," he whispered. “願上帝保祐你,伊娃,”他低聲說道。
3. CONVENTION You can say "bless you" to someone who has just sneezed. 長命百嵗 (對打噴嚏的人說的話)[口語]
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bless /bl?s/ (blessing,blessed,blesses)
- to ask for God's help and protection for someone or something, or to call or make someone or something holy
- May God bless you.
- The priest blessed their marriage .
- He blessed the food before passing it around.
bless!bless their little cotton socks
bless my soul!
bless you!
bless you 返回 bless