- 魯斯
- Suddenly Ruz came face to face with a human skull!
魯茨突然發(fā)覺自己面對面地站在一個骷髏前。 - Ruz saw a large, flat stone slab on floor of the temple.
魯茨看到有一塊又大又平的石板在神殿的地板上。 - In the room beyond Ruz saw something which put a chill into his heart.
在外面的房間里,魯茨看到的東西使他感到一陣寒栗。 - Mr. Fidel Castro Ruz, President of State Council of Cuba, receiving a warm welcome when staying at the Hotel.
古巴國務委員會主席卡斯特羅一行在白天鵝賓館受到熱烈歡迎。 - Iranian's New Year, No Ruz, lasts 13 days.It begins in March because spring begins in March.