- A poor chimneysweeper, who had not enough money to buy a meal, stopped one hot summer day at noon before an eatinghouse, and remained regaling his nose with the smell of the victuals.
奇妙的裁決有一個(gè)貧窮的掃煙囪工人,窮得連一頓飯也買不起。一個(gè)炎熱的夏天中午,他在一家餐館前停了下來(lái),站在那兒用鼻子貪婪地嗅著食物的香味。 - (11)A chimney filled with soot requires the services of a qualified chimneysweep.
布滿煙灰的煙囪需要合格的煙囪清掃工去清掃。 - chimneysweep
n. 掃煙囪工人 返回 chimneysweeper