- 去除毛刺
- Becasue of hand deflashing, please mark the parting line into the drawing, and please let me know then the flash size.
因為手遮光,請將分界線在圖中標出來,并告訴確切尺寸。 - Semiconductor manufacturing:reel-to-reel plating, pin plating, lead frame plating, deflashing, Spot plating and electro polishing etc.
半導體元器件電鍍:卷對卷電鍍,接觸器件電鍍,引線框架電鍍,電拋光,選擇性點鍍等 - Product includes Automatic IC Laser Marking System, Water Jet Deflashing System, Wafer Inspection System, Automatic Tape &Reel System and other more than ten kinds of models.
產品包括全自動IC激光標刻機、高壓水去溢料機、晶園檢測機、全自動測試編帶機等系列十多種型號。 - It can finish cardboard 1-4 color printing and the procedures like pressing line,trimming deflashing,notching,clipping cormer,stiletto,die cutting one time.
能一次完成紙板1-4色印刷、壓線、修邊、開槽、切角、打孔、模切等多道工序。 - For general finishing,good metal removal and exceptional wear.Performs in a wide variety of deburr,deflash and radius applications.