- The dying old man cast up his eyes to heaven and prayed devoutly.
垂死的老人舉目望天,虔誠地祈禱。 - They have now, in effect, excommunicated the military and their families by refusing to accept alms from them—a serious matter in this devoutly Buddhist country.
他們現(xiàn)在通過拒收施舍,已經(jīng)有效地將那些軍人和他們的家人逐出教門——在這個虔誠的佛教之國,這非常嚴(yán)重。 - It is interesting to note that the religious element, giving thanks to God, was not present at this particular celebration in 1621, even though the Pilgrims were devoutly religious.
有趣的是,盡管英國的清教徒們是很虔誠的信徒,但在1621年的感恩慶?;顒又兴麄冎皇歉兄x自然,而非感謝上帝他老人家。 - "I was born and raised in Baltimore, where my father was mayor, and we were raised in a family that was devoutly Catholic, deeply patriotic, extremely proud of our Italian heritage, extremely proud of that, and in our case,staunchly Democratic."
- They remain devoutly Muslim, even if their opinions vary on things like sharia law.
ECONOMIST: A Survey of Indonesia - In certain obvious ways, of course, that is a fate devoutly to be wished.
ECONOMIST: What is Europe? - He grew up in Tachira, a devoutly Catholic Andean state, and was destined for the priesthood.
ECONOMIST: Venezuela 返回 devoutly