1. ADJ You use divine to describe something that is provided by or relates to a god or goddess. 神的; 神圣的
He suggested that the civil war had been a divine punishment. 他暗示此次內(nèi)戰(zhàn)是上天的懲罰。
2. divinelyADV 如神般地; 神圣地
The law was divinely ordained. 此法律為神授。
3. ADJ People use divine to express their pleasure or enjoyment of something. 極好的; 絕妙的
Her carrot cake is divine. 她的胡蘿卜餅好吃極了。
返回 divine
divine /d??va?n/
divine adjective (GOD-LIKE)
connected with a god , or like a god
Some fans seem to regard the players as divine beings . 有些球迷似乎把球員神化了。
divine intervention (= help from God ) 神之干預
Just because you've been promoted that doesn't give you a divine right (= one like that of a god ) to tell us all what to do. 獲得晉升并不等于你有權像神一樣對我們發(fā)號施令。
divine adjective (SPLENDID)
old-fashionedextremely good, pleasant , or enjoyable
We had a perfectly divine time in Switzerland. 我們在瑞士度過了一段非常美好的時光。
Their new house is quite divine! 他們的新房子相當棒! 返回 divine