divine office
- A bound collection of antiphons, especially of the responsive choral parts of the Divine Office.
唱和圣歌詩集圣歌詩集,尤指宗教神職中作為應答的合唱部分 - A bound collection of antiphons,especially of the responsive choral parts of the Divine Office.
唱和圣歌詩集圣歌詩集,尤指宗教神職中作為應答的合唱部分 - First of all, the author realized the origin and the form of vespers through the discussion of Divine Office.
首先探究日課儀式,認識晚禱的起源與形式; - So, praying the Divine Office is a good way to start, or reading the Martyrology, then you will learn more about the saints day by day.
一)仍尊重圣者, 但是否一定需要立像?新出版的羅馬殉道名冊好像有四千多名圣人的名字,是否要每人一像?無像就是不尊敬,那麼所有教堂都要變身成萬佛寺了! - A structure, typically a table, before which the divine offices are recited and upon which the Eucharist is celebrated in Christian churches.