- In the twilight of the evening, he clambered down over the wall into the garden of the enchantress, hastily clutched a handful of rampion, and took it to his wife.
黃昏時分,他翻過圍墻,溜進(jìn)了女巫的花園,飛快地拔了一把萵苣,帶回來給她妻子吃。 - Of particular interest is the enchantress's rivalry with Snow White over beauty being specifically contextualized in a competition for the Prince's amorous attentions.
特別有意思的是,女巫與白雪公主關(guān)于美麗的競爭,通過她們都競相想得到王子“充滿愛意的關(guān)注”而具體化了。 - In the gloom of evening, therefore, he let himself down again; but when he had clambered down the wall he was terribly afraid, for he saw the enchantress standing before him.
于是,黃昏時分,他偷偷地溜進(jìn)了園子,可他剛從墻上爬下來,就嚇了一跳,因為他看到女巫就站在他的面前。 返回 enchantress