hung huang
- Media commentator and author Hung Huang wrote on her blog: "In the same year that Americans welcome Obama to the White House, we can't even accept this girl with a different skin colour."
媒體評論家和作家洪晃在她的博客寫道:“在同一年,美國人在奧巴馬當選總統歡呼鼓舞,而我們卻不能接受這個不同膚色的姑娘?!?/li> - Huang Hung (see photo), cultural guru, comments on Zhang Yimou and his new movie in her new column in English for China Daily.
文化名人洪晃(見圖)在《中國日報》開設其國內首個英文專欄,她在文章中詳細評論了張藝謀及他的新片《三槍拍案驚奇》。 - Then sit in this quiet corner of the world, static read-Ju Huang Feng Hung and listen to the river singing insects, breakdown of geese flew over the sky thousands of miles.