in short supply
- 供應不足;缺乏
- This means that using their results to say anything of practical import needs care and caveats, both of which can often be in short supply, or stripped out to make a point.
這意味著賦予它們的結論現實意義時,需要小心和注意。 不過這兩點經常是供應不足或是因為特別重視某一事情而忽略。 - Mr Young’s account is partisan, if tempered by a reluctant acceptance that Lebanon’s curse, sectarianism, has also proved a shield for individual freedom in a region where this is in short supply.
楊的作品有鮮明的個人看法,即如果退一步,也可以牽強地說,黎巴嫩禍端——宗派主義也為自由在中東這個缺乏個人自由的地方提供了某種保護。 - Oil was not in short supply and stocks were increasing.
石油并沒供應短缺,庫存也還不斷在增加。 - She says non-food items, such as tents,cook sets, mosquito nets and blankets are in short supply.
- In the past few months, the cost of wheat and sugar has more than doubled they say, and cooking gas, in constant short supply, can cost three times as much as it did a few months ago.
- So at a time when jobs are in short supply, building exports is an imperative.
WHITEHOUSE: Announcing the President's Export Council - So is the cardboard-box industry, as its basic input, used cardboard, is now in short supply.
ECONOMIST: The rising price of cardboard
- in a short supply 供應短缺
- commodity in short supply 短缺商品
- commodities in short supply 暢銷產品;緊俏產品;緊俏商品;緊缺商品
- water in short supply 水供不應求;總之水供應;水在短期供應
- materials in short supply 供不應求的材料
- 供應不足
- 供不應求