- Therefore it was well said, Invidia festos dies non agit: for it is ever working upon some or other.
所以古人說得好:嫉妒從不休假;因為它總在某些人心中作祟。 - Therefore it was well said,Invidia festos dies non agit: for it is ever working upon some or other.
所以古人說得好:嫉妒從不休假;因為它總在某些人心中作祟。 - This envy,being in the Latin word invidia,goeth in the modern language,by the name of discontentment; of which we shall speak,in hand-ling sedition.
這種在拉丁語中寫作invidia的嫉妒在現(xiàn)代語言中又叫“不滿情緒”,關于這點筆者將在談及叛亂時加以討論。 - This envy, being in the Latin word invidia, goeth in the modern language, by the name of discontentment; of which we shall speak, in hand-ling sedition.
這種在拉丁語中寫作invidia的嫉妒在現(xiàn)代語言中又叫“不滿情緒”,關于這點筆者將在談及叛亂時加以討論。 - For of other affections, there is occasion given, but now and then;and therefore it was well said, Invidia festos dies non agit: for it is ever working upon some or other.
那么要防止嫉妒,也就不妨采用點巫術,就是把那容易招來嫉妒的妖氣轉嫁到別人身上。 - and therefore it was well said, Invidia festos dies non agit: for it is ever working upon some or other.
同時還有人觀察過,與其他感情相比,只有愛情與嫉妒是最能令人消瘦的。 返回 invidia