- The savage civil war there could be a portent of what's to come in the rest of the region.
那里發(fā)生的野蠻內戰(zhàn)可能預示這一地區(qū)其他地方將會發(fā)生什么。 - One encouraging portent is that more people are using the railway network.
使用鐵路運輸線的人數在上升,這是個好兆頭. - Betoken : To be or give a sign or portent of.
預示: 做或給出記號或預兆. - The savage civil war there could be a portent of what's to come in the rest of the region.
那里發(fā)生的野蠻內戰(zhàn)可能預示這一地區(qū)其他地方將會發(fā)生什么。 - I hope this is a portent for the rest of the year.
我希望這對今年余下的時間是個兆頭。 - I see it as a portent of things to come.
我把它看作是將要到來的事物的前兆. - There came a Saturday morning ugly with the portent of storm.
有一個星期六早上,天昏地暗,暴風雨將臨. - One encouraging portent is that more people are using the railway network.
使用鐵路運輸線的人數在上升,這是個好兆頭. - In people's view, mask is both holy and portent, and thus mask taboo comes into being.
面具在一般人的心目中, 是神靈、魂、先的化身和載體,它既是神圣之物,也是危險 、 祥之物,由此產生了對面具的禁忌. - Betoken : To be or give a sign or portent of.
預示: 做或給出記號或預兆. - Many saw this break with tradition as portent of a bad reign [ citation needed ] .
很多人認為這樣打破傳統(tǒng)就預示著愛德華將是一個 昏君. - So, could Hero be a portent of things to come or just another Jet Li film?
因此, 可以將英雄的一個先兆東西來,或只是另李連杰電影 嗎 ? - I a portent to many, but you are my strong refuge.
許多人以我為怪.但你是我堅固的避難所. - Technology follows Hollywood dreams; here's hoping thellos montage is a portent of what's coming soon.
科學技術正逐漸實現著好萊塢的美好夢想, 科學幻想片里的設定就要釀成實際. - Miami gives off the same vibrations, the same portent of disaster , but with a difference ( James Atlas )
邁阿密提供了一樣的環(huán)境, 一樣的不祥之兆, 但是有一個區(qū)別 ( 詹姆斯阿特拉斯 ) - Technology follows Hollywood dreams; here's hoping this montage is a portent of what's coming soon.
科技正逐漸實現著好萊塢的美好夢想, 科幻片里的設定就要變成現實. - To be or give a sign or portent of.
做或給出記號或預兆. - I have become like a portent to many, but you are my strong refuge.
7許多人以我為怪.但你是我堅固的避難所. - So the hiccups are worth noting as portents.
因此這些問題作為不好的征兆而值得關注. - Betoken : To be or give a sign or portent of.
預示: 做或給出記號或預兆. - To be or give a sign or portent of.
做或給出記號或預兆. - Comets have long been regarded by the superstitious as portents of calamity or important events.
彗星長期以來都被迷信地認為是災難和重要事件將發(fā)生前的預兆. 返回 portent