1. ADJ Red-hot metal or rock has been heated to such a high temperature that it has turned red. 燒紅的; 熾熱的 iron. …燒紅的鐵。
2. ADJ A red-hot object is too hot to be touched safely. 熾熱的; 燙的
In the main rooms red-hot radiators were left exposed. 在那些主房間里熾熱的散熱器被暴露放在那兒。
3. ADJ Red-hot is used to describe a person or thing that is very popular, especially someone who is very good at what they do or something that is new and exciting. 炙手可熱的; 熱門的[journalism]
Some traders are already stacking the red-hot book on their shelves. 一些書商已經(jīng)在往他們的架上放這本熱門暢銷書了。
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