- n.疤臉
- Scarface, however, loudly objected.
許多人隨聲附和。 - I took some food toward him and shocked by its face, a “scarface” I named.
而本想拿些食物過去給牠,不料才走近一看卻讓我暗自心驚了一下! - Scarface, Crooked Head, Lop Ear - the number of these nameless creatures was legion in the land.
正是這一類人物,現(xiàn)在居然在大庭廣眾中,當著村里的窮哥兒們和財主老爺們,站起來說話了。 - He wrote the scripts for Year of the Dragon and Scarface, and he earned an Oscar for his screenplay for Midnight Express, in 1978.
他寫了電影劇本《龍年》和《疤面人》,并于1978年因《午夜快車》贏得了奧斯卡最佳改編劇本獎。 - But when the vicious gangster Scarface threatens to take Lan's hidden relics, she must rely on Tong to help her fight against her pursuers.