- They lived on a sloping street where the houses press against one another, side by side, like children in a line holding hands.
他們住的街道在一個斜坡上,那兒的房子肩并肩一座緊挨一座,像是一橫排拉著手的小孩子。 - But if that ground is, indeed, sloping, it means that the wind (which tends to follow the ground when it is close to the surface) hits the blades of the turbines at an angle instead of face on.
但是,如果此處地面確實是傾斜的,這則意味著風(貼近地面吹向葉面)從一種角度吹向發(fā)電機葉片,而非正面對吹。 - An upward-sloping yield curve, in which long-term interest rates are above short-term rates, is normal.
一般情況下,收益率曲線是向上傾斜的,并且長期收益率處于短期收益率上方。 - So, according to the expectations theory augmented with liquidity preference-- This strongly upward-sloping term structure in 2003 would reflect two things.
耶魯公開課 - 金融市場課程節(jié)選 - Then the--so the term structure was downward-sloping until about two and a half years and then it was upward sloping.
耶魯公開課 - 金融市場課程節(jié)選 - That was way fewer responses than I wanted. Let's try again; what's the name of this downward sloping line that I've just drawn?
耶魯公開課 - 博弈論課程節(jié)選 - There's the same aluminum edging around the 4.3-inch screen and the same sloping chin.
ENGADGET: Motorola RAZR i review: how does the Droid RAZR M fare with a 2GHz Intel processor inside? - Its vast acres of sloping greenery, its glades and its trees present a striking backcloth.
ECONOMIST: Henry Moore's outdoor sculptures - At Wooller in Northumberland, however, the hilltop is level, with a convex sloping shoulder.
ECONOMIST: Margaret Gelling 返回 sloping