1. N-UNCOUNT If you refer to words or pictures that are related to sex as smut, you disapprove of them because you think they are rude and unpleasant and have been said or published just to shock or excite people. 污言穢語; 淫穢作品或圖片[表不滿]
...schoolboy smut. ...男生的污言穢語。
2. N-UNCOUNT Smut or smuts is dirt such as soot which makes a dirty mark on something. 臟東西[also N in pl]
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smut /sm?t/ (smuts)
[ 不可數(shù)或單數(shù)名詞:沒有復數(shù)形式的名詞 ] disapprovingmagazines , books , pictures , filmsor jokes that offend some people because they relate to sex
There's an awful lot of smut on television these days . 如今的電視里充斥了大量淫穢畫面。
smut noun (DIRT)
[ 可數(shù)名詞:有復數(shù)形式的名詞 or 不可數(shù)或單數(shù)名詞:沒有復數(shù)形式的名詞 ]dirt or ash (= powder left when something has burned ) that makes a mark on something
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