- 英式音標 [wi?n]
- 美式音標 [wi?n]
- 國際音標 [wi:n]
- 英式發(fā)音
- 美式發(fā)音
- vt. 使斷奶;使斷念;使放棄
- n. (蘇格蘭)幼兒
- n. (Wean)人名;(英)威恩
- 那孩子會自己穿衣(wear),早該斷奶(wean)了→使斷奶
- adj性質(zhì)的同根詞
- weaning:斷奶的。
- n性質(zhì)的同根詞
- weaning:斷奶。
- v性質(zhì)的同根詞
- weaning:斷奶(wean的ing形式);使斷絕。
- The hospital managed to wean her off the drug.
醫(yī)院已讓她逐步減少依賴這種藥. - The patch enables smokers to wean themselves off cigarettes very gradually.
這張貼片能使吸煙者很緩慢地把煙戒掉. - He was sent away to school to wean him from bad companions.
送他上學,以便與壞的伙伴斷絕來往. - You are given pills with small quantities of nicotine to wean you from cigarettes.
會給你一些含少量尼古丁的藥片幫你戒除煙癮。 - It's two years since I've seen Iain. I'm still trying to wean myself off him but it's hard.
- to cause a baby or young animal to stop feeding on its mother's milk and to start eating other food, especially solid food, instead
- When a baby or baby animal is weaned, its mother stops feeding it milk and starts giving it other food, especially solid food.
- If you wean someone off a habit or something they like, you gradually make them stop doing it or liking it, especially when you think it is bad for them.