Prix Goncourt
- Born in Fez in 1944, he came to France at the age of 27 and has long since been part of the French literary firmament (he won the Prix Goncourt in 1987 for "La Nuit Sacrée").
他1944年生於非斯,27嵗來到法國,至今一直活躍在法國文罈(他因《神聖之夜》贏得了1987的年龔古爾獎)。 - Born in Fez in 1944, he came to France at the age of 27 and has long since been part of the French literary firmament (he won the Prix Goncourt in 1987 for "La Nuit Sacree").
1944年出於非斯,他在27嵗來到法國,從那時起就活躍法國文罈(1987年因《La Nuit Sacree神聖之夜》獲得法國龔古爾文學獎)。 - He has won numerous literary prizes, including the Prix Goncourt in 1987, an award he now judges.
ECONOMIST: Leaving Tangier: Tahar Ben Jelloun The 返回 Prix Goncourt