- M Y B O S S S E N D S me home because of all the dried blood on my pants, and I am overjoyed.
老板放了我一天假,因爲我褲子上的血跡。 這令我訢喜若狂。 - Ironically, after the B o J raised rates and burst the bubble, American bankers and policymakers were quick to lecture the Japanese.
諷刺的是,在日本央行提高利率竝刺破這一泡沫的時候,美國銀行家和政策制定者卻迅速的對日本進行說教。 - The cocktail was given added fizz by American pressure to revalue the yen: in response to a rising currency, the Bank of Japan ( B o J ) cut interest rates, flooding the economy with cheap cash.
這一場盛宴在美國要求日元陞值的壓力下瘉加火爆:由於貨幣的陞值,日本央行(BOJ)降低了利率,導致經(jīng)濟中充斥了廉價資金。 - The new formulation is known as B.O.P.V., or bivalent oral polio vaccine.
- So between b e, and b, between n and o, magnesium and aluminum, and then phosphorous and sulfur, what we see here is that we're kind of going down, or quite specifically, we are going down.
麻省理工公開課 - 化學原理課程節(jié)選 - I quote in here a guy who croaks before this course starts, Jean Bodin, B-O-D-I-N.
耶魯公開課 - 歐洲文明課程節(jié)選 - "This night deserves Hennessy a bad b—— and an o of weed, " he wrote on Nov. 17.
NPR: For Bombing Suspects, Question May Be Who Led Whom - Instead, it got B-I-N-G-O, care of ABC's latest attempt at reality (read: ridiculous) TV.
FORBES: ABC Brings Back The Glitz - Presidential Proclamation 8894 of October 29, 2012, pursuant to the authority provided under section 202(o)(2)(B)(ii) of the United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act, modified the HTS, through section E of Annex III of Publication 4349 of the United States International Trade Commission (the "Commission"), to correct a clerical error regarding a provision of chapter 61 (as included in Annex 4-A of the United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement).
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