- It turned out that Epoch Times had published an anonymous article to viciously denigrate the clergywoman Janet Fan.So this clergywoman charged Epoch Times with slander.
原來它發(fā)表的一篇署名“任意”的文章,對樊簡妮進行了“任意”詆燬,致使這位女牧師忍無可忍,將“大紀(jì)元時報”告上法庭。 - On July 7, 2006, Epoch Times issued a letter of apology, admitting it has defamed Janet Fan, clergywoman at Christian church for Chinese of Melbourne Salvation Army.
2006年7月7日,“大紀(jì)元時報”還刊出又一封道歉信,承認對墨爾本基督教救世軍華人教堂女牧師樊簡妮進行了汙蔑誹謗。 返回 clergywoman