1. ADV If you say that someone is deathly pale or deathly still, you are emphasizing that they are very pale or still, like a dead person. 死一般地[文學性] [ADV adj]
Bernadette turned deathly pale. 貝爾納黛特變得如死般地慘白。
2. ADJ If you say that there is a deathly silence or a deathly hush, you are emphasizing that it is very quiet. 死一般的[文學性] [ADJ n]
A deathly silence hung over the square. 死一般的靜寂籠罩著廣場。
返回 deathly
deathly /?d?θl?/
- extreme in a way that is unpleasant
After he had spoken , a deathly silence /hush fell on the room . 他說完後,房間裡一片沉寂。
She went deathly pale . 她的臉色變得煞白。 返回 deathly