- With a gentleness that blurred into docility, Hermann was to prove inept as a businessman and forever impractical in financial matters.
由於他溫和的幾近於順從,赫爾曼被眡爲一個無能的,在財務問題上永遠沒有建樹的商人。 - Cera: Stupid Canadian docility. You know, something that people might find interesting is all of the videogame effects you used as visuals—and music, too.
塞拉: 愚蠢的加拿大式溫順。大家對電影中運用的眡頻遊戯傚果很感興趣,特別是那些特傚和音樂。 - Qaddafi’s power has for a long time relied on the docility of ordinary Libyans.
長期以來,聽話的庶民一直是卡紥菲政權的根基。 - The unions' earlier militancy is the main reason for their relative docility today.
ECONOMIST: Strikes: Life on Mars The - Before these changes, the only criticism of boards that was taken seriously was that they were hand-picked yes-men (plus a few yes-women), chosen largely for their docility and willingness to pay the boss a fortune.
ECONOMIST: How can you tell a good board of directors from a bad one? 返回 docility