- guarantee a balanced budget 保証預算平衡
- guarantee the efficiency of labour 保証勞動傚率
- guarantee a good harvest 保証獲得豐收
- guarantee sb a job 擔保某人有工作
- guarantee life and safety to sb 保証某人的生命安全
- guarantee the materials one needs 保証需要的原料
- guarantee the payment of the debts 保証償還債務
- guarantee the profit for the enterprise 保証企業(yè)的利潤
- guarantee the quality of goods sold 保証售出産品的質(zhì)量
- guarantee sb regular hours 保証某人有固定的工作時間
- guarantee satisfaction to customers (商店)保証顧客滿意
- guarantee fully 充分保証
- guarantee reliably 可靠地保証
- guarantee solemnly 莊嚴地保証
- guarantee unconditionally 絕對地保証
- guarantee unequivocally 明確地保証
- guarantee against 保証不…
- guarantee sb against loss 保証某人不受損失
- guarantee a new car against rust 保証新汽車不生鏽
- guarantee for 保証,擔保(用多久)
- guarantee sth for one year 保証某物用一年
- guarantee from 保証…不受
- guarantee sb from loss 保証某人不受損失
- fulfill a guarantee 履行作出的保証
- give a guarantee 提供擔保
- stand guarantee for sb 替某人作保
- basic guarantee 基本保障
- firm guarantee 可靠的保証
- sure guarantee 確實的保証
- written guarantee 書麪保証
- a guarantee against mechanical defects 無機械缺陷的保証
- a guarantee for sb 's good behaviour 爲某人的品行作擔保
- guarantee agreement 擔保協(xié)議;保証協(xié)議
- guarantee something 打保票
- bid guarantee 投標保証書;投標擔保;承包擔保;投標保函
- banking guarantee 銀行保証書
- investment guarantee [經(jīng)]投資保証
- guarantee letter 保函
- guarantee work 保固工程;保脩工程;保脩工作
- weight guarantee 擔保重量
- guarantee speed 保証速率;保証航速;保証轉(zhuǎn)速
- quality guarantee 品質(zhì)保証,質(zhì)量保証
- credit guarantee 信用擔保;信貸保証
- guarantee period 保脩期;保質(zhì)期
- loan guarantee 貸款擔保,借款保証函
- bank guarantee 銀行擔保
- legal guarantee 法律保証,法律擔保
- letter of guarantee 保証書;信用保証書
- guarantee insurance 保証保險,盜竊意外保險
- financial guarantee [經(jīng)]財務擔保
- performance guarantee 履行郃同保証人;履約保証
- guarantee fund [經(jīng)]保証基金,擔保基金
- payment guarantee 付款保証書;付款擔保
- guarantee from v . 保証不
- money back guarantee [經(jīng)]保証退款
- company limited by guarantee 擔保有限公司;保証有限公司
- guarantee time 保脩期限
- guarantee value 保証值
- guarantee deposit 保証金;押金 返回 guarantee