1. ADJ You can describe someone as noncommittal when they deliberately do not express their opinion or intentions clearly. 不表態(tài)的; 含糊的[usu v-link ADJ]
Mr. Hall is non-committal about the number of jobs that the development corporation has created. 霍爾先生對開發(fā)公司已創(chuàng)造的崗位數(shù)量含糊其詞。
Sylvia's face was noncommittal. 西爾維婭的臉顯得不置可否。
...a very bland noncommittal answer. ...一個不疼不癢、不明不白的答複。
2. noncommittallyADV
"I like some of his novels better than others," I said noncommittally. 我不置可否地說:“他的小說有幾部我更喜歡些?!?/p>
返回 noncommittal
noncommittal /?n?nk??m?t?l/
also non-committal
- not expressing an opinion or decision
The ambassador was typically noncommittal when asked whether further sanctions would be introduced . 儅被問及是否會進一步實施制裁時,大使一如既往地含糊其詞。 返回 noncommittal