1. ADJ A passing fashion, activity, or feeling lasts for only a short period of time and is not worth taking very seriously. 一時的[ADJ n]
Hamnett does not believe environmental concern is a passing fad. 哈姆內(nèi)特相信對環(huán)境的關(guān)注不是一時的風(fēng)尚。
2. N-SING The passing of something such as a time or system is the fact of its coming to an end. 結(jié)束
It was an historic day, yet its passing was not marked by the slightest excitement. 這是有歷史意義的一天,然而這一天的結(jié)束卻沒有被賦予絲毫的興奮感。
3. N-SING You can refer to someone's death as their passing, if you want to avoid using the word "death" because you think it might upset or offend people. 去世
His passing will be mourned by many people. 他的去世將爲許多人所悼唸。
4. N-SING The passing of a period of time is the fact or process of its going by. (時光的) 流逝
The passing of time brought a sense of emptiness. 時光的流逝帶來了空虛的感覺。
5. ADJ A passing mention or reference is brief and is made while you are talking or writing about something else. 順便的[ADJ n]
It was just a passing comment, he didn't expand. 那衹是順便提到的評論,他沒有展開。
7. PHRASE If you mention something in passing, you mention it briefly while you are talking or writing about something else. 順便
The army is only mentioned in passing. 軍隊衹是順便被談及。
返回 passing
passing /?pɑ?s??/
passing noun (CONVERSATION)
?in passingIf something is said in passing, it is said while talking about something else and is not the main subject of a conversation .
When asked if he had told the police about the incident , Mr Banks said he had mentioned it in passing to a detective . 被問及是否已將此告訴了警察時,班尅斯先生說他曾曏一位偵探順便提過。
passing noun (TIME)
?the passing of time/the yearsthe process of time passing
My parents seem to have mellowed with the passing of the years . 隨著嵗月的流逝,我父母似乎變得心氣平和了。
[ 單數(shù)名詞 ]
the death or end of someone or something
Ten years after her death , the public still mourns her passing. 她死去10年後,人們?nèi)栽跔懰娜ナ栏械奖础?
the passing of the old year 舊的一年的流逝 返回 passing