1. V-T If someone is robbed, they have money or property stolen from them. 盜竊; 搶劫
Mrs. Yacoub was robbed of her designer watch at her Westchester home. 雅各佈夫人的名牌手表在她威斯特切斯特的家中被人盜走了。
2. V-T If someone is robbed of something that they deserve, have, or need, it is taken away from them. 搶走
When Miles Davis died jazz was robbed of its most distinctive voice. 儅邁爾斯?戴維斯去世時(shí),爵士樂裡最具特色的聲音也被奪走了。
返回 rob
rob /r?b/ (robbing,robbed,robs)
- to take money or property illegally from a place , organization , or person , often using violence
- They were robbed of all their savings .
- Police said the couple had been trussed up and robbed before being shot .
- He was robbed while he was on holiday .
- He was robbed of his wallet and car keys .
- That was when I realized I'd been robbed.
The terrorists financed themselves by robbing banks . 恐怖分子靠搶銀行來獲得資金。
My wallet's gone! I've been robbed! 我的錢包沒了!我被媮了!
They robbed the company of $2 million. 他們從這家公司盜取了兩百萬英鎊。
If someone is robbed of something they deserve or want , it is taken away from them.
A last-minute injury robbed me of my place on the team . 我在最後一刻受了傷,失去了在球隊(duì)中的位置。