- bare one 's teeth 露出牙齒
- break a tooth 損壞牙齒
- brush one 's teeth 刷牙
- clean one 's teeth 刷牙
- cut a tooth 出牙,長新牙
- draw sb 's teeth 拔牙,使某人不能再作惡,解除某人的武裝
- drill a tooth 鑽牙
- fill a tooth 補(bǔ)牙
- get one 's teeth 長牙
- have a tooth out 拔牙
- have a great tooth for 非常喜歡…
- have a loose tooth 信口亂說
- have a sweet tooth 喜喫甜食
- have all one 's own teeth 牙齒完好無缺
- insert a tooth 鑲牙
- pick one 's teeth 剔牙
- pull a tooth 拔牙
- put in a tooth 鑲牙
- repair a tooth 脩牙
- set one 's teeth 固牙,咬緊牙關(guān),立下決心,決心應(yīng)付睏難
- show one 's teeth 露齒
- sink one 's teeth into 集中精力於…
- take out a tooth 拔牙
- artificial tooth 假牙
- bad tooth 蛀牙
- beautiful tooth 漂亮的牙齒
- false tooth 假牙
- irregular tooth 不整齊的牙齒
- loose tooth 活動的牙齒
- lower tooth 下牙
- rotten tooth 蝕牙
- upper tooth 上牙
- baby tooth 乳牙
- back tooth 後牙,臼齒
- front tooth 前牙,門齒
- milk tooth 乳齒
- saw tooth 鋸齒
- wisdom tooth 智齒
- between the teeth 低聲地
- in the teeth of public opinion 不顧輿論反對
- a set of teeth 一副牙齒
- in spite of sb 's teeth 不顧某人的反對