- wipe a bike 擦自行車
- wipe a car 擦汽車
- wipe a dish 擦碟子
- wipe a glass 擦盃子
- wipe a pane of glass 擦玻璃
- wipe a stain 擦去汙點
- wipe a table 擦桌子
- wipe dirty marks 擦去髒痕
- wipe footprints 擦掉腳印
- wipe grease 擦去油漬
- wipe one 's tears 擦眼淚
- wipe shoes 擦鞋
- wipe spit 擦口水
- wipe sweat 擦汗珠
- wipe the dust 擦去灰塵
- wipe the floor 擦地板
- wipe the furniture 擦家具
- wipe the mud 擦去泥
- wipe the washing -up bowl 把洗的碗揩乾
- wipe windowpanes 擦窗玻璃
- wipe abruptly 突然地擦
- wipe absent -mindedly 心不在焉地擦
- wipe cautiously 細心地擦
- wipe cleverly 霛活地擦
- wipe completely 徹底擦去
- wipe confusedly 慌亂地擦
- wipe cunningly 巧妙地擦
- wipe deftly 巧妙地擦
- wipe dictatorially 專橫地擦
- wipe eagerly 急切地擦
- wipe gently 輕輕擦
- wipe gradually 漸漸抹掉
- wipe hastily 草草地擦
- wipe instantaneously 即刻擦
- wipe mechanically 呆板地擦
- wipe noiselessly 悄悄地擦
- wipe occasionally 偶爾擦
- wipe quietly 從容地擦
- wipe repeatedly 反複擦
- wipe resolutely 果斷地擦
- wipe sedately 沉著地擦
- wipe thoroughly 徹底擦
- wipe timidly 膽怯地擦
- wipe vigorously 使勁擦
- wipe away 擦掉,清除
- wipe down 徹底擦去
- wipe off 揩去,擦掉,銷掉,付清
- wipe off evil practice 鏟除惡習
- wipe off old scores 消除宿怨
- wipe out 擦洗(某物的)內(nèi)部,消滅,燬滅
- wipe out a family 滅絕滿門
- wipe out deficits 消滅赤字
- wipe out difficulties 尅服睏難
- wipe out disgrace 雪恥
- wipe out illiteracy 掃除文盲
- wipe out losses 消除損失
- wipe over 隨便擦擦
- wipe up 擦乾(洗過的碗碟等),擦掉(落下的某物或濺出的液躰等)
- wipe sth off sth 把…從…擦掉
- wipe on 在…上擦
- wipe with 用…擦
- fetch sb a wipe 給某人一記重打
- give a wipe 擦一下
- good wipe 好好擦一下
- quick wipe 迅速的擦
- wipe on a towel 用毛巾擦