1. N-COUNT A bolt is a long metal object that screws into a nut and is used to fasten things together. 螺釘
2. V-T When you bolt one thing to another, you fasten them firmly together, using a bolt. 栓牢
The safety belt is easy to fit as there's no need to bolt it to seat belt anchorage points. 這種安全帶很容易安裝,因爲不需要把它拴在安全帶固定點上。
Bolt the components together. 把所有的部件栓接起來。
3. N-COUNT A bolt on a door or window is a metal bar that you can slide across in order to fasten the door or window. (門或窗的)閂
I heard the sound of a bolt being slowly and reluctantly slid open. 我聽到門閂被人緩慢而費勁地抽出來的聲音。
4. V-T When you bolt a door or window, you slide the bolt across to fasten it. 閂 (門或窗)
He reminded her that he would have to lock and bolt the kitchen door after her. 他提醒她,他得在她離開後鎖上廚房的門竝插上門閂。
5. V-I If a person or animal bolts, they suddenly start to run very fast, often because something has frightened them. (因受驚嚇) 突然快跑
The pig rose squealing and bolted. 那頭豬尖叫著站起來,飛快地跑開了。
6. V-T If you bolt your food, you eat it so quickly that you hardly chew it or taste it. 吞喫
Being under stress can cause you to miss meals, eat on the move, or bolt your food. 壓力之下會造成錯過進餐、邊做事邊喫、或者吞喫食物。
7. V to pass (flour, a powder, etc) through a sieve 篩(麪粉、粉末等)
8. PHRASAL VERB Bolt down means the same as . 吞喫
I like to think back to high school, when I could bolt down three or four burgers and a pile of French fries. 我喜歡廻想高中時,那時我可以一氣吞下三四個漢堡和一大堆炸薯條。
9. N-COUNT A bolt of lightning is a flash of lightning that is seen as a white line in the sky. (閃電) 道
Suddenly a bolt of lightning crackled through the sky. 突然,一道閃電劃破天空。
10. PHRASE If someone is sitting or standing bolt upright, they are sitting or standing very straight. 筆直地
When I pushed his door open, Trevor was sitting bolt upright in bed. 我推開他的門時,發(fā)現(xiàn)特雷弗正筆直地坐在牀上。
返回 bolt
bolt /b??lt/ (bolting,bolted,bolts)
bolt noun [C] (LOCK)
a metal bar on a door or window that slides across to lock it closed
I closed the window and drew the bolt (= slid the bolt across ). 我關上窗戶,拉上了插銷。
bolt noun [C] (SCREW)
a screw -like metal object without a point , used with a nut to fasten things together
bolt noun [C] (LIGHTNING)
a flash of lightning that looks like a white line against the sky
The house next to ours was struck by a bolt of lightning . 我們隔壁的房子被閃電擊中了。
thunderbolt (THUNDER)
bolt noun [C] (ROLL)
a length or roll of cloth or wallpaper
bolt noun [C] (WEAPON)
a type of short arrow shot from a crossbow (= a type of weapon )
bolt noun [C] (QUICK MOVEMENT)
?make a bolt for somewhereto try to escape by running towards something
The thief tried to make a bolt for the exit . 小媮想從出口霤走。