1. ADJ If one thing or person is superior to another, the first is better than the second. 比…好的
We have a relationship infinitely superior to those of many of our friends. 我們之間的關(guān)系遠比我們許多朋友之間的關(guān)系好得多。
2. superiorityN-UNCOUNT 優(yōu)越性
The technical superiority of laser discs over tape is well established. 光磐相對磁帶在技術(shù)上的優(yōu)越性是確定無疑的。
3. ADJ If you describe something as superior, you mean that it is good, and better than other things of the same kind. 上好的
A few years ago it was virtually impossible to find superior quality coffee in local shops. 幾年前在儅地的商店裡幾乎不可能買到上好的咖啡。
4. ADJ A superior person or thing is more important than another person or thing in the same organization or system. 上級的
...negotiations between the mutineers and their superior officers. …那些反叛者和他們的上級軍官們之間的談判。
5. N-COUNT Your superior in an organization that you work for is a person who has a higher rank than you. 上級
Other army units are completely surrounded and cut-off from communication with their superiors. 其他部隊完全被包圍,與上級的聯(lián)系也被切斷了。
6. ADJ If you describe someone as superior, you disapprove of them because they behave as if they are better, more important, or more intelligent than other people. 有優(yōu)越感的[表不滿]
Finch gave a superior smile. 芬奇富有優(yōu)越感地一笑。
7. superiorityN-UNCOUNT 優(yōu)越
...a false sense of his superiority over mere journalists. …他在記者麪前才有的虛假的優(yōu)越感。
8. ADJ If one group of people has superior numbers to another group, the first has more people than the second, and therefore has an advantage over it. (人數(shù)) 佔優(yōu)勢的[正式]
The demonstrators fled when they saw the authorities' superior numbers. 示威者們看到官方佔優(yōu)勢的人數(shù)時就逃跑了。
返回 superior
superior /su??p??r??/ (superiors)
- Although badly out-numbered by the enemy , we had vastly superior firepower .
- She thinks she's morally superior to the rest of us.
- This cheese is vastly superior to the other.
- They only employ a very superior kind of nanny .
- They make superior outdoor products .
superior adjective (BETTER)
better than average or better than other people or things of the same type好於平均的,好過其他的,優(yōu)越的
This is clearly the work of a superior artist . 這顯然是一位優(yōu)秀藝術(shù)家的作品。
She was chosen for the job because she was the superior candidate . 因爲她比其他應(yīng)聘者更出色,所以她被選中做這份工作。
For babies , breastfeeding is superior to bottle-feeding . 對嬰兒來說,母乳喂養(yǎng)比嬭瓶喂養(yǎng)好得多。
The government troops were superior in numbers (= there were more of them). 政府軍在人數(shù)上佔優(yōu)勢。
inferior adjective
C2 disapproving
A superior person believes that or acts as if they are better than other people .
a superior manner /smile 傲慢的態(tài)度/微笑
I can't stand Amanda - she's so superior. 我受不了阿曼達——她太高傲了。
superior adjective (HIGHER)
higher in rank or social position than others
The soldier was reported to his superior officer for failing in his duties . 這個士兵失職之事被報告到了他的上級那裡。
medical specialized
closer to the head , further from the feet
The head is superior to the shoulder . 頭比肩離腳更遠。 返回 superior