1. DET You use whichever in order to indicate that it does not matter which of the possible alternatives happens or is chosen. 無論哪個
Whichever way you look at it, nuclear power is the energy of the future. 無論你從哪個方面看,核能都是未來的能源。
2. CONJ Whichever is also a conjunction. 無論哪個
If you are unhappy with anything you have bought from us, we will gladly exchange your purchase, or refund your money, whichever you prefer. 如果您對從我們這里買到的任何商品不滿意,我們將樂意為您更換或辦理退貨,您愿意哪種方式都行。
3. DET You use whichever to specify which of a number of possibilities is the right one or the one you mean. 無論哪個 (用以具體說明幾種可能性中正確的或所特指的那個)
Learning to relax by whichever method suits you best is a positive way of contributing to your overall good health. 學會以最適合你的方法來放松是改善身體整體健康狀況的一個積極辦法。
4. CONJ Whichever is also a conjunction. 無論哪個
He has been extraordinarily fortunate or clever, whichever is the right word. 他一直格外幸運或者特別聰明, 不管是其中的哪一個。
返回 whichever
whichever /w?t???v?/
- any one from a limited set
- Please strike out whichever option does not apply to you.
- Take whichever of these chocolates you like. 返回 whichever
We can go to the seven o'clock performance or the eight - whichever is best for you. 我們可以去看7點或8點的演出——選一個你最方便的時間。
Either Thursday or Friday - choose whichever day is best for you. 星期四或星期五都行——選一個你最方便的日子。